Cara Ngelas Mesin Las Laser Serat

- 2021-07-07-

Ingmesin las laser seratnggunakake kapadhetan daya dhuwur, utamane kanggo welding bahan sing tembok tembok lancip lan presisi, lan bisa ngerteni las titik, las bokong, las tumpang tindih, welding sealing, lan liya-liyane. Jembar las las cilik, kacepetan las cepet, jahitan las datar, kontrol sing tepat, fokus cilik, akurasi posisi sing dhuwur, lan gampang otomatis.
Cara las saka mesin las laser serat
Nalika nggunakake a mesin las laser serat, there are two different methods or modes to transfer energy from the laser to the welding material. According to the power density, this is the power factor of the laser. In the welding area, the laser welding mode can be the conduction mode or the keyhole mode. Ingtype of welding mode that occurs is determined by the amount of power delivered to the substrate and the nature of the material being welded. Ingmain difference between the two laser welding methods is the energy delivered to the metal.
Amarga kapadhetan energi minangka area silang saka las sing liwat sumber listrik, ngganti rasio las utawa mbagi kekuwatan sinar laser kanthi jinis sing wis ditemtokake bakal mengaruhi mode las. Las mode konduktif biasane digawe kanthi dadi panas ing ndhuwur bahan sing bakal dilas. Sawise lumahing las kepadatan energi kurang digawe panas, mula bakal panas dadi luwih jero menyang bahan kasebut.
Mode las iki minangka las kepadatan energi sing sithik, mula ukuran las ing permukaan biasane luwih gedhe, lan ambane penetrasi las biasane cethek. Nalika pindhah saka las kepadatan energi rendah menyang las kepadatan energi tinggi, mode kasebut ganti saka mode konduktif menyang mode keyhole. Sebutake definisi kerapatan energi maneh, sing bisa ditindakake kanthi nyuda ukuran las utawa nambah tenaga sinar laser.

Ingquality of the workpieces welded by the mesin las laser serat is very high, and the problem of uneven melting caused by heating is completely avoided when used, and the quality of the product is guaranteed.

Fiber Laser Welding Machine